PLID Treatment in Bangladesh

What is Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID)

Prolapsed lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) is a common spinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a condition where the soft cushion-like material between the vertebrae in the lower back, known as the intervertebral disc, bulges or ruptures, causing compression of the nerves and spinal cord. This can result in pain, numbness, and weakness disc in the lower back and legs for many patients. We will know the treatment of PLID without surgical options at the Vision Physiotherapy Center in Uttara.

Plid Treatment in Bangladesh is significant due to factors such as poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of awareness about proper back care. According to recent studies, the incidence of this condition in Bangladesh is estimated to be around 20-25% of the population, with an injury that may higher prevalent in urban areas.

Timely treatment of the lumbar disc is crucial to prevent further damage and improve outcomes. Delayed treatment can lead to chronic pain, nerve damage, and disability, affecting the quality of life in individuals and their families. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this condition in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Treatment of Plid
Plid Physiotherapy Treatment

Causes of (PLID) Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc:

Several factors can contribute to the development of prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc, including

Age and degeneration:

As a people age group, the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine can lose their water content, becoming less flexible and more prone to damage. This can lead to bulging or rupturing of the disc, causing compression of the spinal nervous system.


Physical trauma, such as a fall, car accident, or sports injury, can cause sudden and severe pressure on the intervertebral discs, leading to prolapse.

Poor Posture and Body Mechanics:

Prolonged sitting, standing, or lifting heavy objects with poor posture can put excessive strain on the low back pain, causing the intervertebral discs to bulge or rupture over time.


Excess weight can increase pressure on the lower back, contributing to the wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, and leading to prolapse.

To minimize the likelihood of experiencing a prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc, it’s crucial to tackle these risk factors and embrace a wholesome set of lifestyle habits.

Symptoms of Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc

The symptoms of PLID Treatment in Bangladesh can vary depending on the severity and location of the damage. Common PLID Symptoms includes:

Lower Back Pain:

The most common symptom of lumbar disc herniation is lower back pain, which can range from mild to severe and may be constant or intermittent. Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure used to treat lower back pain by joining two or more vertebrae together to create a single, solid bone.

Leg Pain and Numbness:

Compression of the spinal nerves can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the legs, which may worsen with movement or prolonged sitting or standing.

Weakness in Lower Limbs:

Damage to the nerves can also lead to weakness or difficulty in moving the legs or feet, making it challenging to walk or perform daily activities.

Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction:

Bladder and bowel dysfunction may occur as a result of sciatica caused by a Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, such as difficulty in passing urine or feces, or loss of control, which requires immediate medical attention.

PLID Symptoms
It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms, as early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes and prevent further damage.

Diagnosis of PLID Treatment in Bangladesh

The diagnosis of a prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc usually involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests in Bangladesh.
Plid Physiotherapy Treatment

Medical History and Physical Examination:

The doctor will begin by taking a detailed medical history, and asking about symptoms, risk factors, and any previous back problems. They will then conduct a physical examination, checking for signs of pain, weakness, or numbness in the lower back and legs, and assessing posture, flexibility, and range of motion.

Imaging Tests:

Imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the disc prolapse. These tests can reveal the location and extent of the damage to the intervertebral discs and surrounding structures, such as bones, muscles, and nerves.

Nerve Conduction Studies:

In some cases, nerve conduction studies may be performed to evaluate the extent of nerve damage caused by the prolapse. This involves placing small electrodes on the skin to measure the electrical activity of the nerves and muscles in the affected area.

Nerve Conduction Studies:

In some cases, nerve conduction studies may be performed to evaluate the extent of nerve damage caused by the prolapse. This involves placing small electrodes on the skin to measure the electrical activity of the nerves and muscles in the affected area.

The combination of these diagnostic tests can help the doctor develop an accurate diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for the individual.

Treatment Options for Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) in Dhaka

Plid Treatment in Bangladesh

Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) is a common spinal disorder in Bangladesh. The condition can cause severe back pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower extremities. Treatment options for PLID in Bangladesh include medication and physiotherapy.

Stretching Exercises

One of the most effective ways to alleviate the symptoms of PLID is to perform stretching exercises that target the muscles and tendons in the front of the ankle. Your physiotherapist can recommend a range of exercises that can help for pain relief to improve flexibility and relieve tightness.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy involves hands-on techniques such as massage and mobilization to help improve the range of motion and flexibility of the ankle joint. Your physiotherapist can perform these techniques to help alleviate the symptoms of PLID.


The effective PLID Physiotherapy Treatment is electrotherapy, which involves the use of electrical stimulation to stimulate the muscles and nerves root in the affected area. This therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation, improve circulation, and accelerate the healing process.
Electrotherapy involves the placement of electrodes on the skin over the affected area, which is connected to a machine that produces electrical impulses. The intensity, frequency, and duration of the impulses are carefully controlled and adjusted by a trained physiotherapist to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. There are different types of electrotherapy that can be used to treat PLID, including Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Interferential Therapy (IFT), and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) for neurological treatment with neurosurgery specialists

TENS involves the use of low-frequency electrical impulses to block pain signals from reaching the brain, reducing the sensation of pain. IFT uses high-frequency electrical impulses to stimulate the muscles and nerves in the affected area, improving circulation and reducing pain and inflammation. NMES involves the use of electrical impulses to contract the muscles, which can help strengthen and rehabilitation the affected area.

When used appropriately by a trained physiotherapist, electrotherapy is a safe and effective treatment option for PLID. Your physiotherapist can help determine which type of electrotherapy is appropriate for your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

Postural Correction

Many cases of PLID are caused by poor posture, so correcting your posture can be an effective way to prevent the condition from developing or recurring. Your physiotherapist can recommend exercises and techniques to help you improve your posture and reduce your risk of developing PLID.


In some cases, custom orthotics may be recommended to help support the ankle or foot and reduce the risk of developing PLID in patients with scoliosis. Your physiotherapist can recommend the appropriate orthotics for your specific needs.

Lifestyle Modifications

Making lifestyle changes, such as taking regular breaks from sitting or standing for extended periods, can help to prevent the development of PLID. Your physiotherapist can provide guidance on the best way to modify your lifestyle to reduce your risk of developing PLID.

Advanced Physiotherapies

rehabilitation (2)
In addition to conventional physiotherapy treatments, there are several advanced therapies that can be used to treat Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID). These include shockwave therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy, acupuncture, and ozone therapy

Shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy involves the use of high-intensity sound waves to stimulate natural healing mechanisms, reduce pain, and improve circulation in the affected area. The sound waves are delivered to the affected area using a hand-held device, and the intensity and duration of the therapy are carefully controlled by a trained physiotherapist.

PEMF therapy

PEMF therapy involves the use of low-frequency electromagnetic waves to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and accelerate the healing process. The therapy is delivered using a device that generates electromagnetic waves, which are applied to the affected area using a variety of different techniques.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate natural healing mechanisms, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve circulation. The needles are left in place for a period of time, during which the patient may experience a mild tingling or numbing sensation.

Ozone Therapy

Another advanced therapy that can be used to treat Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc (PLID) is ozone therapy. This therapy involves the injection of ozone gas into the affected area, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation and accelerate the healing process.

Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen that can have a powerful therapeutic effect when introduced into the body. When injected into the affected area, ozone can help to stimulate the immune system, increase circulation, and reduce pain and inflammation. It can also help to promote the regeneration of damaged tissues and improve overall cellular metabolism.
Ozone therapy is typically administered by a trained medical professional using a small needle. The amount of ozone injected and the duration of the therapy will vary depending on the severity of the PLID and the individual patient’s needs who is suffering from low back pain.
Ozone therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for PLID when used appropriately by a trained medical professional. Your physiotherapist can help determine whether ozone therapy is appropriate for your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan to help pain-free of your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.
All of these advanced therapies can be effective in treating PLID and can be used in combination with conventional physiotherapy treatments to provide a conservative treatment plan. Your physiotherapist can help determine which of these therapies is appropriate for your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan to help pain relieve your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

Which Lumbar Disc Treatment is Effective for You

The prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc (PLID) is a common condition that can cause lower back pain, leg pain, and other symptoms that can significantly impact the quality of life. In Dhaka, treatment options range from conservative approaches such as pain management, physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes to more aggressive options like spinal surgery by a spine surgeon. Early diagnosis and treatment of lumbar are crucial to managing the condition and preventing further damage.

Postoperative care and recovery are also essential in ensuring proper healing and reducing the risk of complications. Following postoperative guidelines, attending follow-up visits with the doctor, and making lifestyle changes can help prevent recurrence and improve long-term outcomes.
Overall, the management of prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc requires a multidisciplinary approach involving healthcare professionals, physiotherapists, orthopedic, and the individual themselves. By working together for Bangladeshi, it is possible to achieve optimal outcomes and improve the quality of life for those affected by this condition in Vision Physiotherapy Center in Banani.

Collaboration among healthcare experts and individuals at Vision Physiotherapy Center in Banani is essential for effective prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc management, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for Bangladeshi patients.